
Food still lifes

Here are the two images i constructed whilst on my work placement, i used a 5x4 camera with a sinar back and a live view image, it was a different way of shooting because the lighting set ups are completely different to what i am used to, it involved bouncing light off many bits of card onto the still life which was kept inside lots of reflective bounce boards

treehouse image

I had a flash kit out so what better to do then to take phots of some mates messing around in a tree house, it was just for abit of a laugh but it turned out quite well, it ended up up looking like some sort of zombie hut.

Patricia and Ken

i went and took photos of my nan and her partner, i decided to use just natural light and see what sort of angles i could create, im quite happy with some of them and they show some moments that i didnt really intend to get.

5x4 portraits

Here are the 5x4 portraits i did using the schoeller way of lighting, they have so much more depth to them then the digital ones, these negatives were unfortunately crossed processed in the C41 machine rather than the tranny machine, i do really like the outcomes anyway, the colour cast dos bring another dynamic to the image. The short depth of field look is one i really like to try and do because it gives you more of a focal point. I want to carry on using this lighting because it really shows the face for what it is. I am going to buy some 10x8 negs mostly because i want to see the detail they can achieve and also to say that i have used them.